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7 Online Pop Music Resources You Should Be Using

Online Pop Music Resources Welcome to today’s blog post. This article is designed to show you the very best online pop music resources that you can find right here, on Let me show you why everything you need is on this very blog.

7 Online Pop Music Resources You Should Be Using

online pop music resources

Online Pop Music Resources

Welcome to today’s blog post. This article is designed to show you the very best online pop music resources that you can find right here, on Let me show you why everything you need is on this very blog.

As always, if you would like exclusive content, online courses you can download straight away and to connect with other piano experts from around the world, check out Tim’s Inner Circle. This is a community designed to help you become a creative piano teacher, and get the best out of your students.

So here it is, the best online pop music resources you can find here on

If teaching pop music scares you and you just do not know where to start, then this post is for you.

This is still one of the most viewed blog posts that Tim has written. It will show you some easy-to-learn pop songs that your students will love.

Pop music is all about your students having fun and enjoying the music they are playing while learning at the same time. You get to teach your students about chord progressions, rhythm, composition and technique, and they won’t even realise it!

If you need to some inspiration for which pop songs to start teaching your students, this is one online pop music resource you can’t look past.

Click here to read this post.Ā 

Keeping with the theme of the number 10, this is a blog post designed to help you keep on track when teaching pop music. There are so many different types of pop songs, artists and genres- it can be easy to get sidetracked. This post will simplify it all for you.

Tim’sĀ 10 Commandments of Teaching PopĀ give you a solid guideline on which to teach pop music. Follow these, and you can’t go wrong.

In the past few years, Tim has become known for his love of teaching pop music and for always designing new and innovative ways to get the best out of his students.

This post will show you how to interact with your students when teaching pop; the kinds of questions you should be asking them. It will show you that learning pop is an interactive and cooperative experience between you, the teacher, and your students.

This article will also provide you with other online resources you should go to when sourcing pop music.

Have a read.

difference between chord chart lead sheet

Often, we can learn pop music through chord charts and lead sheets.

But do you know what the difference between the two is?Ā How can you explain this to your students?

Which one should you use in your teaching?Ā 

Well, you guessed it, Tim has answered all of these questions and plenty more in this blog post.

Also, in the post, you’ll find a free download of some of Tim’s favourite, easy and fun chord progressions to teach your students.

This really is a helpful post that will clear up any queries you have surrounding chord charts and lead sheets.

Check it out.Ā 

piano sheet music

Have you ever watched one of Tim’s Repertoire Rap videos?

If not, here’s a quick rundown. Every two weeks, Tim records aĀ live Facebook video of some of his favourite repertoire. He chooses a theme, such as favourite pop music, fun classical arrangements etc., and plays the pieces live for you.

In fact, you can see one right here!

After the recordings, a full transcript of the video, as well as a replay of the video, and all links to the repertoire books can be found here:

This year, Tim has recorded videos on how to learn pop music by ear with no music, fun film and new age repertoire as well as easy-to-learn pop music arrangements.

If you haven’t watched one of these before, check out the replays and be sure to tune-in to Tim’s Facebook page to see announcements about future Raps.

A little while ago, Tim wrote this post aboutĀ Noviscore, a new online pop music resource for sheet music.

This post is your guide to usingĀ Noviscore. It breaks downs the pros and cons, compares it with other online sheet music websites and shows you some examples of sheet music fromĀ Noviscore.

Finding online sheet music can be difficult and tiresome. This post is here to help!

If you’re a classically trained teacher who prefers to teach music with the score and would love to work on more pop, jazz or film music with your students, then you need to check this out.

By the way, members of Tim’s Inner Circle are able to get discounts on Noviscore and other online resources. Click here for more information.

Read the full post here.

Online Sheet Music Resources

If you just need a real quick-fix blog post to send you in the right direction when looking for sheet music, then this is for you.

This isn’t a long article. But it has all the links you need when looking for sheet music. Whether that be contemporary pop music, film music or classical arrangements that may be out of copyright, this post has all you need.

Tim’sĀ Online Sheet Music Resources will explain each of them, provide you with recommendations and links so you can go download all the sheet music you need!

Have a read here.Ā 

Don’t Forget the PodcastsĀ 

The seventh and final online pop music resource you should be using, is Tim Topham’s podcasts.

Sometimes the best way to learn something is to hear it. Tim’s podcasts are always informative, engaging and incorporate experienced guests with tips you can actually use in your piano studios.

Recently, Tim had a chat with Coen Modder, a pop piano teaching expert.

Coen has a unique approach to teaching pop music and he shared with Tim hisĀ Top 5 Pop Piano Teaching Hacks. Have a listen here.

ToĀ see all of Tim’s recent podcasts and to keep up-to-date, click here.

May Is Pop Month

All of this month we are exploring pop piano teaching and how to get the best out of teaching pop. There are heaps of resources being uploaded every week to the blog and podcast, as well as exclusive content for Inner Cirlce members.

Many teachers are used to teaching classical music, and that is completely fine.

The articles and podcasts shared this month are designed to help you feel more confident teaching pop music. We want to show you how pop music can transform your students’ learning and really get them to enjoy playing the piano.

To keep up-to-date with everything, you can like on Facebook. Click here for more information.

Online Pop Music Course

Did you know Tim has crafted a unique online pop teaching course? This 8-step course is designed to help teachers effectively and engagingly incorporate pop music into their piano teaching.

As we have discussed, teaching pop has heaps of benefits for your students. Perhaps most importantly, pop music will help instil within your studentsĀ a love for the piano.

Tim’s online course on pop music, as well as others such asĀ Studio Marketing and 12 Bar Blues, are only available to members of the Inner Circle. Click here to find out more about this creative community of professionals and start your journey on becoming the best piano teacher you can be.


What other online pop music resources do you love using? Which of these are your favourite?

Please leave any comments, suggestions or questions in the section below.

Sean Wales

Sean is one of Tim's former students and a University of Melbourne graduate. He studied a Bachelor of Arts, majoring Media and Communications and Italian, and is currently working as a journalist for the ABC in Horsham.

Ā feeling inspired?Ā 

online pop music resources
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